Your new Gymnastics registration system

Accept registrations & manage them from anywhere with 100% phone-friendly mobility.

Total Registration Management

Competitions & Meets

Your day-to-day operations don’t stop when you have meets and competitions.

Have an upcoming competition? Use Captyn’s declaration tools to allow parents to opt in or opt out of upcoming meets.

Hosting an event? Captyn’s volunteer management lets you create jobs, slots, descriptions, and check ins to help your efficiency at any event.


Automate your communication by creating custom messages scheduled to send at dynamic times to subsets of your members.

  • Have event sign ups starting next month? Set an automatic reminder text to send a few days prior.
  • Want customers to submit a review after a season ends? Set a message to send a couple of days after it’s all over.
Of course, on-the-fly bulk text and bulk email are available throughout the app for instant notifications.

Website & Brand

Captyn is white labeled to your brand, using your colors, name, and logos.

Need a public marketing site? No problem. We can help you show off your business to the world with a custom website.

Custom Private Lessons

Offer one-on-one lessons and training with flexible scheduling.

  • One-on-one sessions
  • Semi-private with auto discounts
  • Post-competition analysis
  • Multi-staff management

All of these are possible with Captyn’s patented custom private lesson tools, available now to all gyms. [View More]

Optimized for Gymnastics.

We'll help take your gym to the next level.

Fast and easy registrations

85% of your customers register for your programming on their phones. Captyn is 100% mobile, meeting the demand.

Payments, coupons, credits, discounts, refunding - in your control

Apple Pay, Google Pay, and automated processes for payments, prorating, and discounting.

Large or small, Captyn is built for you

Large, multi-facility gyms love Captyn’s department solution, including staff & offering management, along with multi-bank options to divert funds as needed. Small gyms love Captyn for the simplicity, mobility, and price.

Frequently Asked Questions

Captyn was built to suit the needs of gyms for the future. Built on the latest technology, everything about Captyn is meant to speed up every task.

Many gyms use legacy systems that were built years before the iPhone was invented. That was decades ago! Every screen in Captyn is optimized for phone screens, while scaling beautifully to tablets and desktop as well.

While the product speaks for itself, we pride ourselves on our customer service, placing your experience above everything else.

Definitely, your brand should stand out to the world!

Regardless of the size of your gym, we can build you a marketing website that reflects the incredible work you do on a daily basis.

Yes. Captyn has a full system for meet/event details with athlete declarations. You can request that athletes opt in or opt out of future events based on your settings.

Hosting an event? Captyn also has a full volunteer/job management solution that allows you to post positions for sign up, manage communications, and check in workers at the event itself.

We’ve been in your shoes. Running your gym shouldn’t require manually dealing with every account each month.

Captyn has incredibly versatile billing features to automate everything. Prorating, discounts, coupons, line items, and even future registrations can be automated to bill correctly, even if you offer perpetual or monthly programming.

Your customers will love the ease of use. They can even use Apple Pay to get set up and not worry about the billing process ever again.

In most cases, you can be set up and accepting registrations the same day that you chat with us. Schedule a quick demo to get started.

Bring your gym into the 21st century with Captyn. Schedule a quick demo to get started.