Private & Semi-Private Lessons
Fully patented system with built-in flexibility for private lessons, personal training, and tutoring with extensive flexibility.

At Captyn, we provide organizations with a fully patented (US Patent #11,836,683) private lesson module for personal training, tutoring, private lessons, semi-private lessons, or custom group scheduling.
Create offerings & share them online
Create custom private & semi-private lessons offerings with extraordinary flexibility and share them online for your members to register for. Enable members to register for multiple lessons & auto-renew.

Inherently flexible scheduling
Inherently flexible scheduling between the facility schedule, your customer’s schedule, and the instructor’s schedule. Set each schedule one at a time, or set sessions to be recurring automatically.
Easily manage all scheduled lessons
Administrators, instructors, and customers are always aware of session scheduling, past, present, and future. Set cancellation limits, revoke a registration from an instructor, send reminder texts, and more.

Send automatic reminders
send automatic text message reminders to your customers to lower the chance of a no-show. Customize the frequency and number of reminders to be sent for each scheduled session.
Ready to Transform Your Operations?
Get in contact with us and learn how Captyn can help you achieve more with less effort.